Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Saying good-bye to res life.

Although I (sorta sadly) still have a year left at Trinity, this semester is my last living on campus. Prior to this March I had no idea that I would be moving back in with my parents this fall. Needless to say, the thought of returning to the lime green/orange room complete with bunk beds that I share with my 12-year-old sister as a married woman is a little crazy. Let me tell you, I had absolutely zero intentions to become the boomerang child, especially while having a husband who is totally capable of supporting me!

Brief explanation: I'm getting married to a soldier in the US Army in June. We're living in Virginia this summer, and then I have to come back to Illinois to finish my BSW while my husband is wherever the Army tells him he needs to be, which will definitely not be in Illinois. I decided that it's best to live with my parents during that time and commute the 45 minutes to school.

So, I decided to come up with a couple lists to sum up my feelings about leaving res life so quickly and unexpectedly.

Things I'll Miss.

-Living with two of my best friends. I love sitting at the kitchen table doing homework and usually having someone else to strike up a conversation with. Words can't describe how awesome it is to have people to hang out with all the time.

-Grabbing lunch to-go and watching CSI against our better judgment.

-The fact that someone else cooks my meals.

-The ability to change into comfy clothes and nap in the middle of the day.

-The late night activities on campus, including Outcry, movies, etc.

-Never having to pay for gas because I don't have a car.

-Being able to take it for granted that the shower will have hot water.

-Sharing a bathroom with less people. Yep, that's right--the bathroom situation has always been much better for me at college than at home.

-Great memories from my first three years of living here.

Things I Won't Miss.

-Being stranded on campus most of the time because I don't have a car.

-Greasy food.

-Noisy pipes or whatever they are in Tibstra.

-Not feeling connected to my home church.

I think that's enough for now. Leaving is a weird feeling, but I'm ready. Ready to be a married woman, even if it's in a very unusual way. Definitely ready to start transitioning out of this place and figuring out the rest of my life.

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