Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Another busy Saturday.

From Saturday, February 2...

Today we had breakfast at another missionary's house and shared our testimonies afterwards. I had never shared my testimony before and feel embarrassed about being open with people, so I was a little glad to get that over with. After that we went to the market at La Mariscal to see what kind of souvenir-type things they sell here. Five of the girls got piercings there--noses and lips. Don't worry, Mom and AJ, I'm still piercing free ;)

The girls getting their noses pierced.
After the market I went to the neighborhood tienda for a few groceries and the panaderia for some eggs. I love having little stores of all kinds so close by. Some of the girls went to the little movie store in our neighborhood, with good reason. All the DVDs are pirated here, so they're extremely cheap and are available much sooner than in the U.S. For example, we're watching Les Miserables tonight on DVD :) So that's been the last few days--it's definitely turning out to be a jam-packed weekend!

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