Monday, April 1, 2013

AJ visits Ecuador. Part One.

Over Easter weekend I was so blessed to have my very own husband visit me in South America. This was something we definitely had not planned, but the missionary I spend one-on-one time with first encouraged me to see AJ over Easter about a month and a half ago. Of course, I later told AJ about this and said what a crazy idea it was. And well, it didn't take long for him start formulating some plans! I'm starting to wonder if this is how God speaks into our lives...somebody gives us this "crazy" idea to get married a year sooner or visit Ecuador, and before we know it the idea isn't so crazy!

AJ flew in on Thursday night, unfortunately without his suitcase. We still don't even know what kind of crazy journey that poor suitcase has had. Anyway, the dean of students for semester abroad drove me to the old airport to meet him, and then we got to our hotel in the center of the city (which was really nice by the way!). The next morning we got up to have breakfast at the nearby mall, just because it was easiest. AJ tried a chain called El Espanol, which serves sandwiches and coffee, while I tried Dunkin' Donuts in Ecuador for the first time. After that we hiked up the hill to the girls' apartment to fill our water bottles before hopping on the trolley to Old Quito, where a Good Friday processional was going to take place. So, AJ now knows why I hate the trolley, although he didn't mind it as much! We fought the crazy crowds for awhile before getting a decent spot to watch the men and women in purple hoods carry crosses, whip themselves, and carry religious symbols through the streets of Old Quito. This processional is part of the Catholic tradition here and recreates Jesus's journey to the cross.Some people even go so far as to wear barbed wire wrapped around their bodies, whip themselves, and wear chains. It was very interesting to experience such a unique part of Ecuadorian culture. 

After the processional passed us by we went to a cafe, where AJ got to try empanadas and more fresh-squeezed juice. We took our time just enjoying the shade and talking before walking up to the Basilica. We climbed all the way to the top, and the weather was great so AJ was treated to a wonderful view of the city. Once we'd had enough of that we walked back to catch the trolley to return to our neighborhood just in time for ceviche for dinner (AJ got the "mixto" kind, which is full of octopus, shrimp, fish, and who knows what else!).

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