Thursday, June 28, 2012

Grocery shopping adventures and meeting the squad.

Before I talk about yesterday, I'll post some pictures of my new car. Notice the Virginia plates--I'm driving disguised as a Virginian :)

Okay, on to our day real quick. I finally went for a run in the morning, which was so needed. Unfortunately, AJ came home for a quick break during that time so I didn't get to see him as much as I would have. There aren't any sidewalks around us and we're on kind of a busy road, so that's kind of a bummer. If nothing else I might just drive to the Petersburg Battlefield and run along the trails because that would be nicer. 

After AJ left I tried to figure out how to report AJ's stipend on my FAFSA, which was unsuccessful even after calling the FAFSA people. Turns out they don't know much about the military because they told me to ask the VA, which even I knew was a little ridiculous. Next I made our grocery shopping list and tried to figure out where I should go. I decided Save-a-Lot sounded like a promising name, and it's close by. Turns out, it's like an Aldi but not nearly as nice and without much variety. Still, it was cheap so I felt really good about shopping there. I doubt that's where the other officers wives go, especially because it definitely serves a different demographic, but I don't care. I went to Kroger to get the rest of our food and I was so nervous about the prices the entire time. I've never bought significant quantities of food from anywhere but Aldi, so I thought I'd for sure shock AJ with what I spent even though I just got what we really needed. In the end it was okay though.

After four trips up to the third floor with my purchases I started dinner, which was sloppy joes on Texas toast with spinach salad on the side. It was a pinterest recipe and it was delicious! AJ really liked it, which was very exciting because this was the first time I've ever made dinner for him. After dinner AJ had to give out PT belts and other equipment to his squad, so he had them come over here. I was really glad he decided to do that because I got to meet a lot of the people he spends time with. They all introduced themselves by first name, which makes perfect sense anywhere outside the Army. AJ doesn't even know their first names I'm pretty sure, so after each one left I asked my husband for their last name. We finally got to spend a little over an hour together after all that was over, which was really needed after how crazy things have been lately.

AJ had the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) this morning. He left at 3:30am and came home just as I was waking up at 7:15 to shower and tell me that he maxed yet again. Which is great because he really hasn't worked out since we got married! So proud of him, but I knew he would do it. Now he's on a breakfast date on post with his new friend, so I'm on my own again. Time to start the day.

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