Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Field training, ranger school, and puppy foster care.

Some updates from the Ullrich household this week...

AJ just told me on Sunday that he will be in the field for three days and two nights next week. When he first got his schedule I was really excited because the week-long FTX we knew he would have wasn't until September, but I guess they have at least one additional shorter one. It's a little disappointing because I know it will be lonely at night without him, but I'm starting to consider some ideas to keep busy during the day. Who knows, I could maybe visit a smaller museum or downtown Richmond by myself for a day. I'll probably also talk to some of the wives about going out for dinner once too. So hopefully it won't be too bad. I know it's something I'll have to get used to as long as we're in the Army.

AJ is almost certain that he's not going to do pre-ranger PT anymore, which means no Ranger School. He suddenly decided this past weekend that he wasn't up for it due to the amount of time it was taking up. Doing pre-ranger PT meant he left the apartment very early and came home too tired to spend much time with me or reading Scripture. I was surprised that he suddenly made this decision all on his own, but I really appreciate his desire to put our marriage and our faith over a super cool Ranger tab on his uniform. Now he's working out with another soldier to try to bulk up a little bit. Last night he came home with the brilliant idea of bringing me along for his workouts. I said I'm really not interested in being that intense.

Apparently the thing to do here is foster a puppy. Yep, AJ and I could be puppy foster parents! AJ has some friends who are doing that right now, although I'm not sure how because taking care of a puppy is a job in itself. The local Humane Society lets you take a dog for a week at a time while it's waiting to get adopted. This helps save the dog's life and lightens the burden on the kennel. Pretty cool huh? I don't think we'll do it because that would mean a lot of work for me, but it's a neat opportunity.

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