Sunday, July 8, 2012

There are flying squirrels in Richmond.

The ACUs and PT uniform are all washed and we're gearing up for a new week. The guys had to go to work all day on Friday for a regimental run and training in mortuary affairs (not my favorite), so I got some things done at home before meeting up with J again for some girl time. We decided to go to Starbucks for some iced tea before heading down to the pool to enjoy it. It was the perfect treat for another sweltering sunny day. The quickest way to Starbucks was actually through Fort Lee, so I got the new experience of driving on post and using my Army ID for the first time. They want IDs for everyone in the car, not just the driver, so it felt pretty legit to be a couple of Army wives just driving through post with our shiny IDs. We waved to the ALU (Army Logistics University) where our husbands were as we drove by.

AJ and W came home from training on the early side (they carpool so J can have a car), so we texted them to meet us down by the pool. We had a short double date of just hanging out in the pool before we wives decided it was time to start dinner (they always come home so hungry!). I sent AJ down to grill our dinner of lemon chicken, which turned out delicious. Excited to pass down that great recipe to generations of Ullrichs to come. :)

On Saturday AJ went back on post to take care of some errands, and then we just kind of lounged around inside to escape the heat. At five we met up with W and J again for a Richmond Flying Squirrels minor league baseball game. It's only a 30 minute drive to Richmond, and the tickets for the front section were super cheap. As soon as we walked into the stadium a man pulled our husbands aside and asked them if they'd like to be a part of a game after the first inning. Of course my husband couldn't say no to that and W was just as excited! The point of the game was to compete in making the most baskets in a basketball hoop, and they were connected with a bungee cord so they had to pull on each other to get to their respective basketballs. W is a bit bigger than AJ, so my poor husband was struggling against his weight. But they tied, each with two baskets! J and I were laughing so hard at the sight.

The rest of the game was pretty hot, yet a lot of fun. W and J are a great couple and we're so glad they invited us along on their date night. Oh, and the Flying Squirrels won 6-1. :)

On Sunday we went to church with the same couple we celebrated Fourth of July with. AJ and I agreed right away that this is the church we want to be a part of while we're here. We felt so welcomed there--everyone was super friendly and we were taken under the wing of one man right away. I guess we're obviously not from around here. Al, the man who made it his mission to help us feel welcome, introduced us to the pastor and his wife and immediately connected us with a Bible study, which we stayed for after the service. We were immediately recognized as military by just about everyone (must be our age and the haircuts!). Another Army wife introduced herself to me right away at the Bible study; her husband is on a one-year deployment in Korea right now. The entire church is clearly Gospel-centered and extremely welcoming; you can tell they are used to people like us and care a lot about us even though they know we can't stay very long. I'm so thankful for those people.

Fun fact, courtesy of Al: Supposedly some of the wealthiest people in VA live somewhere in Petersburg. The rest of the town, he says, consists largely of places you shouldn't go at night. I guess we can understand the places you shouldn't go at night (although our apartment complex is very very nice and not one of those places) and are now curious about this fancy part of town. I'd love to hear more about what the locals think about our surroundings. I'm still of the opinion that Petersburg may have fallen on hard times, yet I'm still happy to live here and don't ever feel unsafe when I'm out as long as I don't run anywhere off the main road.

We had lunch at Panera after church, where we actually ran into the two couples we went to church with last week. Since then we've had kind of a lazy day since I was really tired for some reason. We got all four of our packages from Mom Ullrich and are especially excited for our Arby's sauce! Thanks so much!! Now to find a place to store everything...that, along with my first solo trip to the commissary, will be tomorrow's project. :)

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