Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back in the 708.

Well, I've officially been back in Illinois for four full days now, and class started today. 

Since my return I've been focusing on adjusting to being back in my home state and to the major life changes that have taken place. I've realized that I have zero sense of a routine here. I eat meals at strange times and sometimes just sit around wondering what to do next, even though there is plenty for me to do. The biggest killer is not doing devotions at my normal time, because then I forget to make time for it. Also, AJ tries to call me on his lunch break so I try to be available for that as well. Here's a summary of some of the changes I'm working around:

-Obviously, my husband is no longer with me, and that alone is hard.

-I'm a married woman living in my childhood home, sharing a bunk bed with my 12-year-old sister. Back in Virginia, I took care of our little apartment and only had one person around to make a mess. Here, I have four people and two dogs that I have to be flexible with. My mom has graciously offered to hand over the reigns to me, but that's way too much work. ;) Still, I'm so thankful to be living with my parents during this time because I know it's an adjustment for them too.

-I'm commuting to school instead of living there, meaning my school environment has changed a lot.

-Instead of my life revolving around my husband's schedule, I'm on my own and have to create my own routine again around my school, work, and social life. 

-The Midwest is in fact pretty different from the Southeast. 

-I don't have nearly enough Army in my life. I miss the military environment and the support that comes with it. I'm so blessed with amazing family and friends here, but at Fort Lee it was nice to be around people who are in similar situations.

Initially, I felt really out of sorts just from the intensity of leaving Virginia and all that comes with it. As time goes on, though, I am feeling more comfortable and happy here in Illinois. Now that school has started I have a renewed sense of purpose, and I'm really enjoying seeing everyone. I'm content to focus on making the most of my time here, even as I eagerly anticipate being with AJ again. I am a blessed young woman and I don't ever want to forget all that I have in Illinois. :)

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