Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rainy day fun and the goodbyes begin.

Two month anniversary flowers.
This past weekend was more laid back than the last, but nonetheless good. On Saturday we had plans to go mini golfing with another couple, but a whole lot of rain made that impossible. Instead of having some outdoor fun, we quickly decided to check out a Chinese buffet in a nearby town where we spend a lot of time. I had never been to one before so I was definitely pretty excited. As soon as we got there we saw three men in ACUs walk in, so we knew it had to be good. The Army knows how to find the best food, that's for sure. Dinner was delicious and fun. AJ of course had to go around finding the strangest food to try, which included some mussels and something else in a shell. 

After dinner we weren't really ready to end our night, so AJ and I invited our friends to our apartment to play Settlers of Catan. We didn't have any room in the marshmallow for games, so thankfully our friends helped us out. We treated them to some coffee with our fancy Keurig and set about to teaching me the game. Normally I don't have a lot of patience for strategy games, but I actually had a lot of fun. Now I know why AJ loves that game so much. We played twice and called it a night at 9:30.

Sunday was my last day at the church we go to down here. I really enjoyed the pastor's preaching and Bible study was great as always. There's a whole pew of enlisted soldiers who attend the same service we do, and AJ's goal is to get to know them once I'm gone. We know they're privates because they often come in uniform and look even younger than my little brother. Hard to believe that teenagers fight our country's wars. I still think AJ's too young as it is. Bible study ended with everyone coming around us and praying for me because they knew I was leaving. I've actually seen that done a couple times already in my short time here--this church is definitely used to military coming and going all the time, and each time they're sent off with prayer. 

Homemade Thai red curry. So tasty!
We really wanted to go swimming that afternoon, but it turns out that the pool was actually too cold for the first time ever. Go figure. So we went for a walk around the apartment complex instead, talking about things like who's probably living where and when and how we might be able to see each other for the holidays. We came to the tentative conclusion that AJ will have to spend Thanksgiving alone, but we will definitely work on getting him home for Christmas. Really, we should be buying those plane tickets now so we don't spend a fortune. I don't even want to think about how much money we're spending on plane tickets just to see each other on occasion. 

Skyped with my mom (known to AJ as "Mom 2") that night for the first time. So proud that she figured it out, although my siblings were on call to help her turn it on and off ;)

AJ came home early today, so we're hoping to leave the apartment and go on a small date after dinner. He's running right now since he's now cleared of all possible injury--today the doctor at the Army clinic said all his test results are normal. I'm thankful and glad to see him exercising again. 

Other than that, we're trying to get ready for me to leave next week--physically, emotionally, spiritually...but mostly emotionally. It's not exactly easy. But that's all I have to say about that. 

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