Sunday, January 20, 2013

Adios, Estados Unidos.

Well, tomorrow is the day! I'll be leaving bright and early to board a plane to Ecuador, which will be my home for the next four months. After years of anticipating this day, it has finally come! I have always dreamed of studying abroad, and against the odds God has still allowed it to happen. Honestly, I sometimes feel like I'd rather not go...just because I'll be without family and friends in a new country, trying to function in a new language and in a formal social work setting for the first time. All the same, I know I don't feel this way because God doesn't want me there--in fact, I think it's pretty clear that he does, so I'm just going to have to trust him with the nerves. Everyone I know who has done what I'm about to do has loved it, and I know Ecuador will benefit me so much as a Christian and a social worker. 

I'm sorry if I sound sentimental, but this spring is going to be yet another new challenge for AJ and me. Sure, we've been living apart for months now, but we've been able to see each other at least one weekend a month. We've been able to talk on the phone every night and text throughout the day. None of this will be happening while I'm abroad! Whenever I'm tempted to feel really sad about it, though (which happens frequently), I tell myself it's not even a deployment. He's safe, we'll only be apart for four and a half months (exactly half a deployment these days), and we'll probably communicate at least as much as if he was at war, if not more. And best of all, this is the home stretch! We'll be reunited for a good while once I come back, as long as the Army doesn't pull any shenanigans. ;) All of this is so much better than what we were told a few months ago. So with that, I say this Army couple better get it together, because we're supposed to be tough! Hooah.

Anyway, my suitcases and backpack are all packed and ready to follow me to South America...Resisting the temptation to fiddle with them when they're already weighed and zipped shut! Soon I'll be off to see one last friend, chat with my husband on the phone one last time, and's time for South America to meet Mrs. U!

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