Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A visit to the zoo.

This past weekend we finally got out and did something interesting. We found out that the zoo has a great military discount, and the elephant festival was going on. So, to the zoo we went. We had a great day, as long as a great view of Mexico from the Africa exhibit ;) Seriously though, when we drive along the highway in that part of the city we actually see much more of Mexico than we do of the U.S. 

In other news, AJ just told me that he's about to get a new job. A captain just recently PCS-ed (moved, basically) to AJ's unit, so it makes more sense for this captain to work AJ's XO job (executive officer, which means AJ's been the second-in-command). AJ's pretty excited about it, as he's ready to get some different experience and be relieved of some of the pressure that comes with being the XO on the rear detachment while the unit is in Afghanistan. He's gotten a lot of great feedback since October, so he's leaving the unit better than he found it. Proud of my man, as always. I'll keep you updated as to exactly what position he'll fill next.

My first FRG (family readiness group) meeting is tonight, so we'll see how that goes. I've been doing some things with PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel), a group of Christian Army wives stationed here. The great thing about the Army (and also the sad thing) is that someone's always new and someone's always leaving, so it's easier to get plugged in on post than in the civilian world. Although AJ and I make a point of spending time with the local civilians, having Army wives to relate to is also very important. I love being able to tell our story and having women just nod and not look at me funny, as if being away from my husband for nine months is nothing special. Because in the Army, it's not! I love how we automatically understand each other's lives and even speak the same language (seriously, take a look at my husband's work email and you will see more acronyms than actual words). Still working on meeting other younger, childless wives though--so far all of my Army acquaintances are older women with children who aren't career-driven like me. I told AJ to keep networking with other married 2nd lieutenants. :)

And now for our zoo pictures:

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